Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Glimpses of Heaven

I went to Rome with the group today. We saw many, many famous landmarks like the Colosseum and the Pantheon. We went to a museum, and sculpture portraits shut me up for a good amount of time. I am just in awe of everything I saw today. Words cannot describe. I am almost glad that I don't have a camera to use right now, cause it gives me an opportunity to just see and admire instead of look through a small box and possibly miss things. Of course, I can't WAIT to take pictures (Sarah! Send me that charger!). I'm itching to. I just think it's good that I don't have that distracting me from really focusing on the ancient art that could easily be overlooked or under-appreciated due to thoughts of "oh, don't forget to take a picture of this," and "don't run into that pole while you're looking through your camera and walking at the same time," or "shoot, my battery is dying." I felt fully present there, and I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Just as an after thought, I think I should talk a little about the food here. I don't think Sarah told me enough about this glorious gift fallen from the sky. Every time the cooks bring the plates out to the table, I feel like I am a groom seeing his bride for the first time (give me a break, I'm using an analogy that I sincerely believe fits). My heart stops and I almost have to fight tears. I don't know why I get emotional about it. Just, the appearance of it tells me I am soon going to be graced with something of which I am unworthy. I try to imagine what it would taste like, and then when I take that first fork-full, my expectations are always out-smarted. This food is the best food I think I'll ever taste in my life. That is all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

  1. I could write a comment longer than the length of this here post in response, Lydia. I want to. But I won't.

    Listen. Everything you're saying... about being fully present, absorbing everything through your own eyes rather than through a lense, being speechless among the works of art there and just being in Rome itself.. you sound like me!! Lydia, I'm so glad you're seeing it the way I did! Not that I feared you wouldn't I just had a hard time really describing it when I was in your shoes, and to see you take a stab at describing it shows me you're really getting it. I could cry!

    And the food and groom analogy you said made me die laughing. I almost threw up my applesauce. Well-done. Good analogy.

    p.s. I'll try not to comment on EVERY post.
